Bloon promotes dynamic posture, which helps prevent back pain, strengthens deep core muscles, and improves your circulation.

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A French Invention

A design enthusiast plus a physiotherapist equals an innovative solution to back pain. A hybrid seat that combines beauty and wellness, Bloon is a new generation of furniture that is both great for your health and aesthetically pleasing

Weighted stabilizing base

360° Belt Handle

Heavy-duty fabric

130.000+ Happy Blooners

+ over 1500 reviews

And you could be one of them

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Bloon Original Regular Dark Grey

Very reliable site, order quickly delivered, very nice product.


Bloon Original Regular Saffron

For my chronic low back pain aggravated by sitting, I opted for the Bloon ball. After using it for 15 days to get used to the new seat, I can now sit for longer without the back pain that used to force me to get up.